Greetings to all of you. This is a sort of belated profile and introduction. I was so sorry that our class time together couldn't be longer than it was. I should have taken more seriously the time we WERE given to share with one another. I've been given a lot to share and i fail to do so when the time is opportune. so here goes.
I graduated from Mount Vernon Nazarene University in 2002 with a B.A. in Visual Fine Arts. To make the already long, grueling story short, I spent the past 4 years mourning the death of an identity that plagued me with complacency. I found myself in the midst of immensely shameful brokenness before my friends and family, and then the Lord. I spent my life running, trying to hide my nakedness from EVERYONE.
Through the mysterious work of the Spirit of God, I found Christ, or rather, He found me; naked, broken, alone, but not beyone his love and care for the whole of my identity. He is in the process of clothing me anew.
Through this same Spirit, God has given me unfathomable gifts in making art. I moved to Pasadena From Ohio In December 2006 to start at Fuller Seminary. I have sensed very quickly that I don't fit in here. Much of my coursework has been disappointing. Though I have suffocated in many of the theological discussions that distinguish this place, i have had a great awakening in my life to continue on this journey by making art both in my studio and out. I am challenged to Love what God loves and that means i have a mission.
Making art is about having vision
and sharing that vision with others.
I met a great man who shared his real-life story with me.
It nearly broke my heart.
The reality is that mine was already broken from the start.
It was at that moment that I fell along the path I was on
and the lens through which I saw the world shattered.
I lost parts of my life that I cannot replace.
My vision was blurred, and I was left with a gaping wound that bleeds profusely.
It has stained most of my clothes,
and I have tracked it all through my life.
The truth is, this wound does not heal on its own.
Nor can I do anything to clean or bandage it.
My hope is in the Creator who made me in his image.
He is witness to my broken life,
and he loves me despite my imperfections.
Amid this throbbing wound, he has given me a mission.
He has called me to share my story; my life.
He has pieced together some important parts of my lens and added some of his own.
He has given me new vision, and has commanded me to Love my neighbor.
For me, making art is not about just showing you what I create in my studio.
It is about revealing whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is admirable,
and laudable.
This is my Contemplation and Ministry
--Peter Michael Stevens
1 comment:
Peter I am leaving an "unofficial" comment as I have already left the five Steve requested. I just wanted to say God is wonderfully amazing to create such uniqness and beauty in each of his children. I love thinking that we are all created in his image, we all possess a part of him and only as we gather and share what we know of him ... what we are of him do we get an inkling of how grand and awesome he truely is. Your art provides us with a glimps of the Creator in you.
I want you to know I cried when I read Tex Sample's book because he validated the way I think and the way I write. I was so thankful that he too did not feel comfortable in his seminary classes - writing the 'way' the instructors wanted him to write. I struggle in each class to find an acceptable way to air my voice, to tell my story or express my thoughts on God. Sometimes I too wonder if it is the right place for me.
I was at a low point the other day, feeling out of place in seminary. I had so much reading to do I took one of my texts to the coffee shop to read as my daughter was in an eye appointment. For the first time ever someone noticed the book I was reading (Wright's Mission of God) and came over to ask me some questions about religion. I was amazed and excited. I think I was able to verbalize some concepts and share a story that helped the older gentleman make some sense of things he had been wondering about.
I know we are uniquely called so we have to equip ourselves for that call in unique ways. Your call may not necessitate your going to seminary, but your call will require you to equip youself so you will be able to share your part of God with those around you. I think your art is an amazing testamony! Keep you head high as you find your way along the path God has for you!
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